Monday, June 15, 2009

July 2009

The Messenger

A Letter from the Pastor


On June 30 a group of us met to discuss the book Portofino, by Frank Schaeffer over a shared meal in the community garden. It was a beautiful event, and to me it was a wonderful example of our church's strengths. We enjoyed each other's company in a beautiful space over food, much of it coming from the gardens of those who shared the meal, while talking about an entertaining and thought-provoking book.

It was almost magical. We'll be reading Frank Schaffer's second book, Saving Grandma and discussing it over a similar dinner on July 14.

I hope you will join us

The Life of a Seminary student
-Maxine Millender

Access to God’s throne is always open-Hess

I know that it may sound like a broken record but this has been another incredible month for me but this is not to say it’s all easy. What makes it so incredible is that we completed another unit. After each unit we present our final to our peers, CPE supervisor and our clinical coordinator, receive feedback, questions are asked, and sometimes you have to defend or stand your position on something you have said or believe in. Sometimes it can be scary but often times, it is wonderful to know you have grown since the last one that was presented. I have grown a lot since the completion of my first final. I have a very good written evaluation from my CPE supervisor that says how much growth has been noticed in me.

I would like to share some great news. I was asked to remain at Harris Methodist Hospital as a Chaplain in a non-student role working 32 hours each week, with full benefits, and continuation of PTO (pair time off). I will work on Thursday and Saturday nights and the Director will work around my school schedule to be sure I am not impacted. What this means is that I can use all of the hours I work towards board certification as a Professional Chaplain and the Staff Chaplains are committed to helping me with the paperwork once I graduate and become ordained as a Pastor. All thanks to God.

My CPE supervisor has left the hospital but gave me a glowing evaluation. Some of the things he said are, “She is fearless and open to ministry to any kind of person she meets in ministry and believes she is following God to her floors and goes with enthusiasm, expecting God’s presence in each encounter and models acceptance and tolerance in her pastoral ministry. She stands her ground with the Physicians and advocate for the patients. She is one of the most organized and productive students they have had at Harris and hold the CPE program world record for verbatim reports and reflection papers. She has come to value the reflection process and finds it helpful to write things down and writes extra verbatim papers each unit, even during the breaks and her file is the thickest file in the drawer.”

This past unit I was able to document 397 visits. I spent a lot of time with patients in ER/Medicine and on my two parish floors, which are medical illnesses and medical surge which has mostly isolation patients. We split ER into three sections and I was given the medicine side which is where the patients are most stressed due to their long wait times. I have a total of 89 patients now; I don’t plan to see each one but those I do visit are extremely meaningful to me and them. Sometimes a patient or their family member will say they don’t need or want a Chaplain and this is ok because I still inform them of our Chaplain availability, if they desire one.

Because summer time is here, our patient load will increase due to many traumas and once released from trauma, they can go to any floor where their illness will be treated. There are many parties, much drinking, and gun shots happening and they come to the hospital by EMS (ground) or by air. We still have many suicide attempts, miscarriages, and fetal demises. One of the most difficult for me is the neo-natal area. Some of the babies are so tiny that they fit in my hand and weigh ounces. Whenever I get to visit this unit, it is special.

One of the things that we hope to accomplish in CPE is our Pastoral Authority and Identity. Mine was certainly established when I baptized and blessed a baby. I cannot quote the words of the prayer but God truly spoke through me that night and I was blessed to receive confirmation from the baby’s Father. I was finally able to meet the Mom after she was out of intensive care. She developed sepsis but God was with her. God will certainly lead us, provide us with the invitation, and all we have to do is accept it. I accepted it and was rewarded. When you get the chance, read Hebrews 4:16 to understand what it means to respond to God’s invitation with awe, humility, and thanksgiving.

I have not had as many deaths this month but there has been many. When I was with the families, my time as spent to show compassion to them, comfort them, give them space and privacy to allow them to start their grief. Sometimes I am with a family up to four hours which includes prayer, scripture reading, discussing a funeral home, and waiting on other family members who come to the hospital. During the private time I give them, I am making phone calls to the medical examiner (if necessary), life gift, nursing operations, and the funeral home, if one had been chosen. I don’t approach the family about donations but have to make the call to the organization and they are the ones who call the family but we assess the family to determine if they are ready for this. If my families are grieving appropriately, I inform the coordinators it is ok to call but if they are in distress, I advise them to wait. Sometimes the family will send a card of thanks and this goes into my file. We have a memorial service every three months to help the families and this is a very special time for us.

When we work on a Saturday, we get the following Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I decided to take a trip (5/22-5/24) to the western part of the Texas and after 7.5 hours of driving, I arrived in Fort Davis and went to Mount McDonald at the Observatory which is one of the highest peaks in all of TX. I had an incredible time even with the rain and hail storms. It was my time to spend with God in thanks.

I continue to let the word of God dwell in me richly in all my wisdom and teaching ~Col 3:16

~to be continued~


The kids are learning about Letters “U” “V” “W”
Colors: red, white & blue
Shapes: star & rectangle

*Themes & Activities*

*Red, White & Blue*

·7/1 Bring a red item
· 7/2 Boys wear blue Girls wear red


· 7/6 Art: Under the sea scene
Finger play: 5 shells
· 7/7 Learning the letter *U*
· 7/8 Learning the color white
· 7/9 Wear your pajamas day

*Sea Animals*

· 7/13 Art: Starfish
Song: Starfish
· 7/14 Learning the letter “V”
· 7/15 Learning the color blue
· 7/16 Crazy hair day

· 7/20 Art: Spider web
Song: Little cricket
· 7/21 Learning letter “W”
· 7/22 Learning star shapes
· 7/23 Mixed matched shoe day

*Little Chefs”
· 7/27 Snack: Beach cups- pudding & gummy fish
· 7/28 Letter review day *U,V,W*
Snack: Sea animals- graham crackers & gold fish
· 7/29 Learning rectangle shapes
Snack: Bugs in the dirt- chocolate pudding & gummy worms
· 7/30 Drink: Strawberry Frost Milkshake- Strawberries, ice cream, milk, & pink lemonade
· 7/31 Snack: Ice cream cones- home made ice cream

*Special Events*

Summer Jazzercise Monday & Wednesday

Let’s get wet Fridays'For

Fieldtrip Friday, July 17Park day

Every Friday Movie & Share day

*A Special Thank You To*
Jay Jordana, Fred Kromery & Jerry Segfried

Graduation Helpers

I appreciate your kindness
More than words can say
Jay’s “Pomp & Circumstance”
Really made our day

Fred’s sound system

Was easy on the ear

Little singing voices
Came through nice and clear

Jerry’s helping hands
Seemed to be everywhere

The kids really adore him

We all know you care

So, from me to all of you

Your help was the best

Our graduation ceremony
Was a complete success

The Semibreve
-Jay Jordana, Director of Music Ministries


To Dana and Ben Marino, Nancy Leonard, Patty Potter, Bud Schmidt, and Kraig Williams for the successful production of the MPRO concert. To Kraig Williams who made it possible for accomplished early music musicians to be a part of the Music Series. To everyone who has contributed to the successful production of all the concerts for Season 2008-09 of the Music Series, thank you, thank you, thank you. We truly couldn’t have done it without you.

Sunday, August 23, 2 PM
Sit back, relax and listen to cool cats play hip jazz. Stay tuned for more information.


Thank you to the following who are providing special music during worship while the ensembles are on summer break:

June 14 – Joanne Reinecker

June 21 – Ronn Ealy

June 28 – Laurel Brobst Gilbert

July 5 – Peralta Consort

July 12 – Katie Drew

July 19 – Grace Takeda

July 26 – Lin Peng

August 2 – Peralta Consort

August 9 – Paula Chacon

August 16 – Jillian Shiba

August 26 – Sandra Rasmussen

August 30 – Anne Marie Daniel

You make worship a more meaningful experience.


The Fall Retreat will be here before we know it. I hope you are planning to attend the weekend of September 25th.

The location of the Fall Retreat is Happy Valley Conference Center in Santa Cruz. The center is located in the beautiful redwoods and each room has its own heater and bathroom. The food is good and plentiful. And this is always a fun fellowship time with FPC members.

We are looking forward to a great weekend led by Sam Barry. The theme will be "How to Play” focusing on keeping a sense of fun in the life of the spirit. We will explore ways to keep humor and levity in our spiritual lives despite trying times. Sam has written a comical book about playing the harmonica and I expect music and humor to be a large part of the weekend.

I am still determining what the fees will be. Registration will begin July 5th.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Martha Belz

Summer Sunday School

Sunday School Teachers Needed for July 19th, August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Contact Jane Wallace to volunteer.

It’s time to register
for Vacation Bible School
August 10-14 from 9 am-12 pm

$15 per registrant (Make checks payable to FPC)
Registration Deadline Monday, August 3rd
(community scholarships available.
Scholarship registration deadline July 17th)

Kindergarten to 6th grade. (Younger siblings accepted on a case by case basis)

A snack will be provided each day.
Daily outdoor activity. Crafts & Music

Contact Melissa Hill for more information
408-879-9688 or

2nd Time Around Books
Summer Reading

The book cart could use some new selections.
Please donate books you are finished with and share the love of reading this summer.

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