Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 2010

Pastor Ben

will return on
July 20, 2010


Happy 66th
July 30, 2010

From the Treasurer
-Sue Williams, Treasurer

We have come to the end of the church’s fiscal year. The world has been struggling financially. This year was also full of expensive surprises for the church. We ended the year with a $17,000 shortfall when comparing giving to pledging. It is not too late. If you are able, please prayerfully consider closing the gap between your pledge and your giving for last year.

Because of the expensive surprises and shortfall of pledged giving, we ended the year using approximately $12,000 of our reserve funds.

As you may remember, we were struggling with a tight budget this year. In spite of our best intentions, we experienced a few expensive financial surprises this year including: unexpected repairs to the Fellowship Hall roof and kitchen; unexpected assembly fees to San Jose; unexpected fire inspection fees and repairs; significant increase in property taxes; additional pine trees being cut down; and the purchase of a new tractor for mowing the back field. Thanks to the combination of generous donations from the groups who use the back field, our 13th month special appeal, increased rental of our facilities and the conscientious effort of the committees to reduce spending, the year ended better than it might have otherwise.

The preliminary report for the fiscal year just ended were:

Receipts – General Fund: $292,000

Expenses – General Fund: $296,000

General Fund total: $ (4,000)

Receipts – Preschool: $205,600

Expenses – Preschool: $205,900

Preschool total: $ ( 300)

Receipts – Memorial Fund $ 35,000

Expenses – Memorial Fund $ 3,000

Memorial Endowment total: $ 32,000

Other Receipts

Deacon’s fund $ 16,700

Parking Lot (AT&T rent) $ 25,000

Other $ 23,300

Other Receipts – Total: $ 65,000

Other Expenses

Deacon’s Fund $ 17,000

Parking Lot (Loan pmt) $ 25,000

Other $ 32,000

Other Expenses – Total: $ 74,000

We will have more accurate results after the audit is performed this summer.

On the bright side, we have been making great progress paying off the parking lot loan. We expect it to be paid off in August. Then we will work to pay off the loan taken for repairs to Fellowship Hall kitchen and roof.

I’d like to encourage you to complete a pledge card for the new fiscal year which began July 1st . Please turn it in to the offering plate on Sunday, or drop it by the church office, or call and let us know verbally your planned giving. We can better plan the programs of the church when we can plan on your pledge.

Through your faithful giving we can continue to support the programs and services of the church.

So turn in your pledge card if you haven’t already and consider catching up your pledge giving if you are able.

Wishing you peace in Christ,
Sue Williams, Treasurer



Support The Lord's Pantry
Peg Nickl, Office Administrator

Help the Lord’s Pantry feed San Jose’s hungry children this summer. The Pantry is looking for healthy individually packaged snack food that doesn’t require any preparation such as raisins, granola bars, and cereal bars.

The need for food donations increase during the summer. There are children on the East Side that rely solely on school breakfasts and lunches during the school year. During the summer weeks there is less food available through the schools and many children are unable to get to the schools during meal time.

In addition to the snack foods, we ask that you help us to increase the amount of non perishable foods we collect to help supply the greater need during the summer weeks.

Please bring boxed cereals, rice, beans, canned fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, and canned protein items such as tuna, stew, and beans.

Drop off your food items in the collection bin inside the narthex door. Items will be taken to the Pantry on a weekly basis.

If you would like to help by making a donation of fresh or perishable foods, you may bring your donation directly to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 121 South White Road, San Jose, weekdays from 12 to 2:30 PM.


Join your Foothill friends and family at Happy Valley Conference Center in the Santa Cruz Mountains for the years Fall Retreat. Don't miss out on this wonderful Foothill Tradition.

Look for more information about the retreat in the August Messenger.


*Bible Lesson*
Chapel Day with Pastor Ben
Wednesday, July 7

*Special Events*
Summer Jazzercise
Tuesdays & Thursdays

Water Day Fridays

7/30 Happy Hollow Park & Zoo



To Tom Parks for his years of service as CRV recycling drop off person. After countless hours and bottles and cans, Tom has retired from this position.


The Life of a Seminary Student
-Maxine Millender

There are no unimportant people in the body of Christ.

During this month, I had two baby deaths. The one on May 28th was a 23 week old boy. The parents did not want to see a Chaplain or have visitors but I was informed they named their baby. When a baby dies, we have to work with the RNs to ensure they call the medical examiner and in this case, they released the baby to the funeral home. I prepared a certificate for them which had the baby’s name in addition to the parent’s name. The RN’s prepared foot and hand prints, dressed the baby, and took photos. A nice box was given to the parents and they can develop the photos when they are ready.

The second baby death was on May 29th. This baby was 21 weeks, weighed 13 oz, and was 9” long. The baby had a heartbeat but could not be pronounced dead until his heart stopped beating. I held the baby for about one hour and the nurse had him for the remaining time, while he was alive. This was their 4th loss and they did not want a visit from a Chaplain because their Pastor had spent time with them. They decided not to name this baby but they did want me to bless the baby, which I did. I had a service with the RNs and it was very nice. I was glad to hold the baby and not be disturbed by the pager going off. I prepared a naming certificate and called him baby boy along with the parent’s name. Although it is much easier for me to visit labor & delivery and neonatal departments, it is still emotionally difficult when the parents have suffered much loss.

On May 8th, a young man was brought in because he was involved in a motor vehicle collision. He had been drinking, ran into a tree and it took firefighters a while to extricate him from the car and it took me 2.5 hours to find family. His license was from another state and I had a difficult time until I recognized the street name where the accident happened. A lady mentioned it was close to the University, I called the University security, and they received approval to provide information to me. I contacted his primary contacts and explained the severity of the accident and also had his RN give them a medical update. They flew from their prospective destinations (VA, CA) arrived, received an update, and contacted his Mother. The young man was from India. He would have been a senior in the fall, and was a triple major. I met his primary contacts and they thanked me for taking the time to find them. He was practically dead upon arrival but they operated to try and save him. He died the day his mother arrived from India.

When a 41 year old woman came in as an assault victim, we immediately put her status as no information. She was beaten up pretty bad by her boyfriend whom she had been living with since July of 2009 and taking beatings from him. He had hit her in the eye and it was swollen shut and she required stitched on her head. She was able to run from the house with no shoes or identification on her. I was so happy when she voluntarily said she wanted to speak with a policeman because most times the women will tell us it will be ok, he didn’t mean it, or it will get better. Her friends would not come to the hospital and her brother said, “I can’t help her this time.” I called a shelter, she was given an approval, and they agreed to help her. I was also glad she filed a restraining order against this man.

A husband and wife came in because of a motor vehicle accident. They were 2 hours from home, he ran into a tree, and went through the windshield. He was admitted to trauma ICU but she was released. She couldn’t drive, they did not know their neighbors, and did not belong to a church so we worked with the Doctor to admit her for observation overnight and this would give her time to make some calls the next day to find help. Because we go through wallets to try and find family, I had gone through her husband’s walled before I realized they were brought in together. We always document what we find, put their belongings in our safe with head of security, and nothing goes in without the code from the Chaplain or ER Nursing Supervisor and security.

As you can see, I handle all kinds of crisis and trauma calls. There are times when a patient wants to talk to a Chaplain to ask why God has allowed something to happen in their lives, share things with the Chaplain that can’t be shared with anyone else, or to ask the Chaplain to help them ask God for forgiveness. Sometimes patients want to talk about their past, sometimes a patient wants to talk because they are lonely and their RN is too busy, and sometimes they want to talk to a Chaplain because they feel closer to God. No matter what it is, I make myself available to be there for them.

Seminary status
I attended summer school for the first two weeks this month. We had a total of 4 papers to write and I completed all of them prior to the scheduled due dates. This class entitled, Pastoral Care in Times of Crisis was an excellent class with lively discussion and sharing of experiences in a crisis setting. We had several books to read and I gained some valuable information that I can use at work. I learned a different model for assessing a crisis that can be used from time to time. School will begin in late August and this gives me the entire summer to work on my Theology of Ministry paper.

~ to be continued
Join us for Vacation Bible School
August 9-13, 10AM to Noon

All school age Foothill kids, friends, and family entering 6th grade and younger are welcome to join us in the kitchen for VBS.

The kids will learn about being good stewards of the earth while creating (and eating) delicious dishes. Parents are invited (but not required) to participate. Contact Peg in the office for more details about attending or volunteering.

About the Kitchen

Special thanks to Eileen Parks who has retired as Kitchen Queen and to Sue LeValley and Darlene Ristrim who have graciously stepped up to fill the position. Also to Jane Wallace who keeps us stocked with dinnerware and paper towels.

Bring it Back, Please.
We are missing many items from the kitchen. Please take a look around your kitchen at home for items that you may have borrowed or taken to clean.

If you have any items that you would like to donate, contact our Sue LeValley or Darlene Ristrim.


Karen Withrow is collecting recipes for a Church Recipe Book. Please share your favorite recipe with us.


We are still looking for someone to fill the position of Church Historian.
Marilyn Kromrey and Isabelle Taylor would very much like to retire.
If you are interested in keeping our photo albums and bulletins up to date,
please contact Marilyn.


Saturday, July 10
10:30AM, Fellowship Hall

Stanford Blood Center Blood Drive
Sunday, August 25, 2010, Room 9

Fellowship Lunch

Wednesday, July 28th
11:30AM @ Denny's
Capitol Ave & Berryessa Road

Fiber Arts Group

meets every 1st & 2nd Saturday at 10AM.
All are welcome.

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, July 2nd
8:30AM in Fellowship Hall

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